Safe Haven App

The Safe Haven app has been designed with public safety in mind.

The Safe Haven app allows users to find and request assistance from the network of Safe Haven locations across the UK.

Registration is free and the app can be downloaded on to any mobile device.

Once registered, users can contact our dedicated Safe Havens should they require help or assistance.

Safe Haven App Features

The Safe Haven App has many features. including Crime Statistics, Incident Reporting, Emergency Contacts and Call 101. 

Location Services

Location services within the app provide a point of reference. This can pinpoint the user's location and allows the user to zoom in and out of the map to locate their closest Safe Haven.

Crime Statistics

To find out more information about crime occurring in the local area. Users can enter a valid UK postcode to view the previous month's statistics within a 1-mile radius. These statistics include the type of crime and number of incidencies that have occurred.


The reporting feature allows users to record an incident or event to allow a crime to be reported. Users can select to either upload a photograph or video, choose the incident type from a drop-down menu and enter the location, date, time and a brief description of the occurrence.

Emergency Contacts

This allows users to add their own emergency contacts. To add an emergency contact, select the + icon in the top left-hand corner. Enter the emergency contact name and mobile number, then click save.


This allows users to access their smartphone camera to take photographs and videos.


Users can press and hold the SOS button to make a 101 police emergency call.

What is a Safe Haven?

A Safe Haven is a building which offers a place of refuge for anyone feeling vulnerable and to ensure their forward journey is continued in both a safe and secure manner. The onsite security team have a high level of vetting and will be available at any time to assist a visitor. 

Access to the building is provided via a free and easy-to-use app. Once the app has been activated, it directs the individual to the nearest Safe Haven location and at the same time alerts the team within the building that a request for assistance has been made. In addition, there is an SOS provision that provides direct contact with the 101 police emergency should the individual feel immediately threatened. This will also notify a nominated contact that the alarm has been raised.

Join Safe Haven Today

If you are a managing agent or property owner, and you have a building you can request a Safe Haven presentation. 

Registration is free and our team are able to assist you with the registration criteria documentation and Safe Haven training for the security teams. 

Safe Havens must be a building which offers a safe space or place of refuge for anyone feeling vulnerable and requires a short stop to ensure their forward journey is continued in both a safe and secure manner.

The onsite security team have a high level of vetting and will be available at any time to assist a visitor.


Contact Us

For any enquiries, please complete the contact form. Alternatively, get in touch using the details below and we will get back to you.

Download the Safe Haven App

from the Apple App Store and Google Play